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Selfie Guide for Solo Travelers! Make Your Friends JEALOUS!

Are you going on vacation to the exotic Miami or any other bright US city and planning to take the best pictures of your dear person? What a good idea! It is not a problem to use rent Max in Miami to reach the deepest and most interesting places. But what about taking pictures? Are you good at it?

We are here to give you more information about it!

This short guide will help you in taking good pictures of yourself and people around. You can use your knowledge, whether you are walking alone and trying to pictorialize a series of events or just aiming to learn to take selfie in general. There are many things you should pay your attention to. Don’t miss information about how to take selfie with different shooting gear, whether it will be your smartphone or professional camera.




  1. Selfie stick

If you are walking somewhere in the city and want to shoot yourself, try to place your phone camera as far from you as it possible. Your selfie stick can help you a lot today! Why? Using a stick, you can take wide angle photos. When you hold your camera close to your face, you have a caricature picture as the result. So, even if you didn’t buy a selfie stick yet, try to extend your arms as far as possible.

  1. Camera position

There is one more way to have interesting and original pictures. Look, it doesn’t really matter what shooting gear you are going to use. Just place your camera slightly above you. Nobody wants to focus on your nose or chin. So, if it is possible, try to put your hand above your face to have better result. When you are shooting into a mirror, you’d better place the camera lightly below yourself.



  1. Enough light

Light is a very important condition for taking good selfies. Whatever location you choose, make sure you have enough light around, of course, if you really want to get a high quality photo with no blur and noise. How? First of all, try to pick right time for taking selfie. How about daytime? You have enough natural light even at a dull weather. Need more light? You should use another additional light source then.

Also, try to look towards the light source, if it is possible. It is better to find a comfortable position when the light source is placed behind the camera to illuminate your face softly.

Finally, don’t rule out the quality of light. You can take the most romantic pictures at sunset. A nice low sun gives you that charming yellow glow to get the best shot ever. Be careful with flashes. Using flashes as an additional light source you may have red eyes on the picture. Of course, it is better to use natural light sources or professional light in the studio. If you are picturing when walking in the museum, shop, any other room or building, try to make use of every light source you can find. Thus, turn your face to the window or just open the door to let the light in.


  1. Build up a composition

Whatever beautiful dress you are in and whenever you are, you should think of a composition on your picture. What does it mean? Are you going to take selfie or just a landscape shot? It doesn’t matter at all. Whatever you do, you should think of every part of your picture to compose it in the best way. You, meaning the main object, should be placed in the center. Think of what you want to have behind you and on the both sides. What are you holding in your hands? Of course, try to be creative and recompose your picture according to the nature conditions and other circumstances. This is your picture and you are free to change it to make it perfect. Even a cup of coffee in your hands may mean much in the context of you photo.


  1. Keep smiling!

Ready! Steady! Shoot! Don’t forget that this is your picture and you are the main character here. Smile! Even if you don’t like picturing, try to relax and enjoy the process. Anyway, if you don’t like the way you look on it, you may not share this picture in the social media. Let it be a part of your memories. As a rule, smiling people always look great!

Don’t stop. And don’t wait that you will have a perfect picture on the first try. Whenever you go, you’d better focus on your trip, emotions, and people around. Pictures are just a projection of your feelings, emotions, and impressions. Don’t worry if you have to spend much time before you’ll take a picture you really like. It happens.

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