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Five Effective Ways to Get More Out of Teambuilding

There were times when team building was just a new fancy term used by very out-of-the-box thinking Human Resources executives. Nowadays, team buildings are practically a must, which means that very few people actually look forward to it. What was once an exciting new benefit, now is considered a mandatory activity that isn’t very enjoyable. Considering the fact that the aim of a team building is to have people connect with each other and form a tight bond, it is no surprise that something has to change.

So, what can you do to make sure that all the resources you invested aren’t wasted? Here are five ways to make sure that you are getting the most out of your team building. Make sure that you find the one that suits your company’s needs best.

Team Buildings Shouldn’t be Mandatory – Yes, We Said It!

The goal of a team building is to have everyone from your company connect and bond. But one-size-fits-all isn’t always effective, and forcing people to do activities they don’t feel comfortable doing isn’t going to bring the desired results. Do you really think you could trick people into bonding and being open if they didn’t even want to come? It is way better to organise one team building with optional presence and make it amazing. Next time, you will gather everyone easily, since word of mouth is the best marketing strategy you could get. Make sure that people who did participate get some sort of memorabilia to take with them and put proudly on their desks. The fear of missing out will do the rest.

There are no Titles When It’s Game Time!

If you want your employees to feel relaxed and comfortable, you should blur the lines between different hierarchy levels. Having a CEO play on the same team as interns will do wonders for the company culture. If there is no need for a formal dress code and serious conversation, you should let people act naturally and freely. This will allow them to really connect and form relationships that aren’t strictly professional. Down the line this will help your company have better synergy. Just make sure that your C level executives are aware of this, and don’t spend their day bossing people around.

Leave Free Time and Options – People Will be Thankful

The team building exercise you came up with, regardless if it lasts hours or days should definitely have structure, planned activities and desired goals. In addition to that, you should also plan for nothing. What do we mean by that? If you force people from one activity to another without giving them time to relax, your team building will seem like a day in the office. People tend to be more open and willing to interact in an environment that is relaxed and familiar, especially when they aren’t forced to. Perhaps your lunch break could be longer than an hour and you can give your employees the option to choose how they spend their time during a team building. They will bond even if isn’t specifically written on the agenda.

Change the Environment – Get Your Passports!

There are a few team building activities that have a high success rate if done right, and you can very easily organise it yourself, or find an agency to do it for you. A day in the nature, treasure hunts, weekend corporate retreat… Choosing an option like that is a sure way you will get some desired results. But, why should you always take the safest route? Don’t be afraid of little experimenting and enabling your employees to have the best time. If they find themselves in an exciting new environment, where they know no one else, your employees will surely get closer to each other, which is why travelling abroad should be first on your bucket list. Some European cities, like Prague, are well-equipped for visitors looking for adventure and companies interested in making sure their employees have a team building they will never forget. If you choose an option that is so exciting, you won’t have to force anyone into applying.

Avoid All Obstacles by Carefully Planning the Event

The worst outcome you could possibly have after organising a team building is having your employees complain how badly it was organised. And trust us, they will. The hotel was late with the check-in, they weren’t given the agenda on time, the tour guide was difficult to understand, they got stuck in traffic… The list goes on and on. Carefully planning a team building will enable you to get the desired results – your employees actually bonding and forming meaningful connections. Let the only topic worthy of discussion be how great of a time they had. Your evaluations should end with one simple question – When is the next one?

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