
Vitamin D Supplementation Could be Beneficial for Women with Type 2 Diabetes

Vitamin D may provide some relief in those with Type 2 Diabetes and according to a new research; the…


Acne is a common skin disorder, which could happen to almost everyone. It is often linked to the physical…

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) occurs when stomach liquid ‘refluxes’ or backs up into the esophagus. In…

Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is a relatively common condition and it is something that we experience at least once in a…

Arthritis Society Accredited by Imagine Canada

The Arthritis Society has announced that Imagine Canada has accredited them. Apparently, the organization has met the standards for…

New Drug May Bring Relief to Arthritis Sufferers

A new drug may be on the market to help those who suffer from Arthritis . Patients who took…

Experts in Britain Say Poetry Might be Therapeutic for Alzheimer’s

One of the ways that some people in fighting Alzheimer’s disease in Britain is through the use of poetry…

Brain Differences Found in Infants With Gene for Alzheimer’s

For quite a while now, researchers have been trying to figure out just exactly when the changes in the…

Studies Show Hematological Cancer May be Linked to Allergies

A new study that is looking at the link between cancer and the immune system have discovered something surprising….

Hay Fever May Lead to Migraines According to Study

There is some new research that might indicate that having allergies or hay fever might increase the severity and…