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Accessorize Those Unsung Areas Of Your Abode

Just like little gestures keep the romance in our lives alive; it’s the small items that bring to life the corners of our home. There are various luxury decorative accessories that will make the corners of your abode tell tales of your creativity to all your guests.

These accessories are not restricted to just vases and sculptures. They need not be relegated to only the corners in your room. There are large expanses of emptiness on your wall that can be made so much more interesting with innovative accessories too, for example. Here are some out-of-the-box options for you:

  1. Bookends – Give your scholarly habits an artistic twist! Use bookends in innovative formats to decorate the corners of your grand mahogany or rosewood tables. You may also have large cabinets, shelves or side tables with some spare space on them. Keep a couple of bookends, either in wood or metal or ceramic, carved with the lines of a sombre Greek philosopher or with Oriental dragons guarding their contents. Place some of your favourite novels in them and you’ve got a fine accessory for yourself.

  2. Decorative Jars and Boxes – Unique pieces like jars in various shapes and boxes that can hold small items but fashioned in unique ways, some in the shape of a book, some that resemble plants and animals, can make an interesting addition to your corners. Lattice, wood, metal or ceramic – these small accessories can be of any material.

  3. Mirrors – Accessorize your walls; especially in your bedroom or of the quiet aisles in your home so people can pause to admire the beauty of the accessory and of them! Mirrors in abstract shapes, those framed with ornate metallic or wooden frames, framed with a cluster of shells and sea rocks put together in an attractive manner – the list of decorative mirrors are endless. The ultra-modern versions don’t even come with frames but instead have edges enhanced with embellishments such as bright stones, paintings or with glass-on-glass pieces.

  4. Lamps and shades –Do you want to add a special touch to your home and make intimate moments more memorable? Then add small to mid-sized lamps on your side or dressing tables. Lamps come in various shapes and or many materials. Starting from traditional glass to wood, you can also experiment with wooden and steel lamps. The trendy ones, for example, have a tall, circular glass body of a rose tine with a golden, metallic mesh cover on it, with dainty long handles to give it classy look. Terracotta and clay add a more natural touch to the sources of light, and with lamps that have well-spaced holes, you can insert a colourful bulb or a candle and enjoy the glow of muted light in your room.

Oriental screens, sculptures, paintings and scrolls from various parts of the world, painted cloth stretched over a wooden or metallic frame that can be hung in corners are just some other examples that you can use to accessorise various rooms of your home. Depending on the colour and decoration scheme you have already used, carefully select these pieces and make your rooms look more special.

About the author – The author is a potter by profession and specializes in making earthenware home accessories. She is also fond of blogging on

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