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8 Useful Airbnb Tips to be a Great Host

Being an Airbnb host has its perks. One, you earn income just by renting out your home to guests from around the world. Two, you also get to meet lovely new friends. 

If we think about it, becoming a great host isn’t that much of a problem. Well, it shouldn’t be if we know how to maintain a home and how to set definitive limitations to anyone renting it.

There are other factors that you should act on and consider to make sure that your guests will have a fun time staying at your home. To achieve that, here are some useful tips that you should take note of to become a great host.

Make Your Property Listing Descriptive

Remember that the first thing your guests will see when they look for a place to stay at is the photos that come with your listing.

If you have nice photos of your home, they would definitely click your page. Here’s where you can attract them more to book a stay in your home.

All you got to do is to make it as descriptive as possible. Describe the neighborhood so as to set what they should expect when they finally arrive at your doorstep. Most importantly, it has to be accurate. You can’t claim things on your listing page if they aren’t true.

It matters that the host is filled with integrity and someone that they can trust.

You also have to indicate the distance of your place to tourist districts like shopping centers, top attractions, transport terminals, and other important establishments like a convenience store, hospitals, malls, and banks.

Maintain Your Property’s Cleanliness

Honestly, this could probably be the most important one on the list. Who wouldn’t want a clean place to stay at?

You have to put yourself in the position of your guests. Do you want a dirty house to come home to? Definitely a big no.

As much as possible, you have to make your home comfortable for all your guests. And the first thing that compromises comfort is cleanliness.

It’s easy to spot an untidy place. You don’t want your guests to be welcomed by dirty dishes on the sink left by previous guests or a bathroom that doesn’t smell so nice. It can turn them off easily.

If you don’t trust your cleaning skills, there are available maid service for Airbnb that can do the job for you. It is a huge help for hosts who don’t have the time to facilitate all the cleaning in their place. They have a complete set of cleaning materials and solutions that can ensure that your place is spotless.

Set a Clear House Rules

House rules are important to make sure that even after guests have checked out of your place, you can guarantee that your home is still up and running.

You have to be clear about setting limitations on what they can do around the house. 

If you have a lot of furniture that you would not want to be moved around, you should put that in writing. You should also state your preferred check-in and check-out time to give way for some cleaning before new guests arrive. 

Being clear about these house rules should be a clear sign of respect between the host and the guests.

Keep Guests Informed

Being a great host means you can provide your guests with the best kind of service there is. Keeping an open communication line with them is important to make sure that you can help them out in case they have questions about your place or about the whole trip.

It’s important that you address their concerns early on so that even before they come to your place, all is set and ready.

Proper check-in instructions should be well communicated as well, especially if they plan to check-in beyond the hours you prefer. Let’s say their flight arrives at 2 in the morning. Both parties should be informed about details like this to avoid any inconvenience to anyone.

Provide Tips and Recommendations

And since this is your place, you should be able to provide tips and recommendations for the guests about the area.

You can add local eats that they should try, or museums and galleries that they can visit. If you have enough information, you can also add certain fees that they should prepare.

You can print out a copy for them and put it alongside the house rules so they can spot it immediately. It’s a nice gesture, and guests would definitely feel more at home if they know about the area.

Who needs a tourist guide if they have a host that can provide them will all the right information?

Anticipate Your Guest’s Needs

Making sure that your place is equipped with complete items is another factor that can tag you as a great host. That means you have anticipated anything that your guests might need.

Besides, a house should be highly functional, right? That’s what you should aim for in your Airbnb unit.

Your kitchen should be well-equipped with all the cooking stuff. Your bathroom should also be nice enough to have all the toiletries that they may need. Extra bath towels and blankets should be provided as well.

Be Responsive at All Times

Communication is really crucial for guests who are visiting your country for the first time. They might be needing help understanding some of the texts or instructions around, so you better be available when they ask for help.

They might also need help figuring out how to work around your furniture to avoid any mishandling of items. Being responsive is key.

Respect Your Guest’s Privacy

Despite having an open communication line with the guests, you should also need to set boundaries on when you should contact them and when you should not. It’s important that you respect their privacy.

Sometimes, guests are not comfortable being talked to often by their host, especially if their sole purpose for traveling is to find some peace and quiet. Also, barging in your place unannounced is downright rude if you know that there are guests staying.

If you really want to check on your guests or to see if they are nesting nicely, you should tell them in advance that you are visiting at this specific time and date.

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